
General questions

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Course teachers Art

Course curator

Oksana Semenik

Art historian, researcher, journalist, expert in communications. Oksana studies topics of Chornobyl disaster in Ukrainian art, gender history of art, decolonization. She is an author of the project Ukrainian Art History and a program about art on Radio Kultura (Radio Culture). She is an author of account called Ukrainian Art History on X network.

Olha Hordiienko

Teacher of a course «Art»

Painter, designer, illustrator. She works with multiple Ukrainian and international organizations in the fields of culture, urban planning, protection of human rights. She was in a team of independent...

Olha Hordiienko

Teacher of a course «Art»

Painter, designer, illustrator. She works with multiple Ukrainian and international organizations in the fields of culture, urban planning, protection of human rights. She was in a team of independent media about art «VONO (It)». 

Olena Martyniuk

Teacher of a course «Art»

Cultural anthropologist and a curator. Olena is a doctoral student at the School of Humanitarian Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Member of NGO «Pislya Tyshi (After Silence)» (Lvi...

Olena Martyniuk

Teacher of a course «Art»

Cultural anthropologist and a curator. Olena is a doctoral student at the School of Humanitarian Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Member of NGO «Pislya Tyshi (After Silence)» (Lviv, Ukraine). Works on the edge between art and anthropological studies.