Annual report
December 2022 – December 2023

General questions
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Київ, Майдан Незалежності, 2«Zminotvortsi» is a worldview educational system for teenagers aged 14 and older from villages and towns with population not more than 10 thousand inhabitants. It consists of 12 online courses that provide a comprehensive overview of the main fields of the modern world on a basic level. The system envisages development of a community and possibilities for cooperation in the interests of local communities and society in general.
Our Mission is to uncover capabilities of the youth to ensure honest victory of talent, effort and mind.
Countries that occupy top spots in world economic ratings are focused on development of not only basic knowledge for teenagers, but also additional skills, such as: understanding of oneself and environment, public awareness, understanding of a wholesome world picture and interdisciplinary connections in it. We help high school students obtain required knowledge and become more conscious.
Based on the data of the PISA research that examines capability of Ukrainian students to apply knowledge and skills in situations that are close to real life, students from rural areas lag behind from students from big cities almost on 3+ years of learning. Also, based on the data of the Ministry of Education, average results of the External Independent Evaluation of school graduates in rural areas are lower than results of graduates of schools in cities.
Currently there are more than 6,2 million of Ukrainian refugees in the world because of war, at the same time about 5,9 million of Ukrainians are on occupied territories. Every day the number of deceased because of war increases. It is a big demographic challenge for the economy and labor market.
In order «not to lose peace» we need a strong society that will help develop a strong state that will promote proper recovery, reconstruction and high level of defense capability of Ukraine after victory in the war to make our state ready for defense and protection of one’s independence in future.
Labor market demonstrates a clear correlation between capabilities of candidates and their worldview. Candidates with experience of participation in formational programs, community organizations or informal education projects have a better understanding of how the world works and are more capable and competitive.
Each person is a separate individual, everyone has an exclusive right to handle one’s own life. We value our uniqueness and force of own decisions.
Who we are and where we are is our superpower and there is no doubt about it. Ukrainians are strong in our humanism, honor and will. We accept any challenges because we live conscientiously and feel self-respect.
We create our country. A country and a state consist of people. All of us together and individually make an impact on everything taking place in a country and bear responsibility for it.
We are not afraid of difficult decisions. We recognize diversity and complexity of the world. We look at the things from various perspectives and scales.
We change ourselves and not others. We learn not to agree because of empathy and find common values.
We provoke curiosity about the world in ourselves. We strive for continuous development and maintain hunger for knowledge and thirst for changes.
Extract from the Single State Register
ViewExtract from the Register of Non-Profit Organizations
ViewCharter of NGO «Zminotvortsi»
ViewDecember 2022 – December 2023