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Intimacy and sex, self-worth and dignity, dialog and conflicts. The course helps understand how the world of the self, the closest circle and society in general is organized.

Together with psychologists we look for answers to questions about own personality, learn to overcome complexes and fears, practice healthy communication and develop support in oneself.

  • How to understand yourself and others?
  • Why do people look for relationships and what to do in them?
  • How to build romantic relationships and relationships with friends, parents?
  • How to set personal boundaries and not violate the boundaries of others?
  • Where do self-esteem, complexes come from and how can one feel dignity in relationships?

Duration of a course

2 classes of 1,5 hours per week



Course curator

Diana Zhytnia-Kebas

Psychologist, educator, specialist in work with teenagers. She is an author and host of a number of trainings, clubs, camps and courses for teenagers.

Course teachers

Oleksandra Nizdran

Teacher of a course «Relationships»

PhD, associate professor of the Department of clinical psychology at UCU, psychologist, positive psychotherapist, trainer on psychotherapy of WAPP, Ukrainian Institute of Positive Psychotherapy, Ukrai...

Oleksandra Nizdran

Teacher of a course «Relationships»

PhD, associate professor of the Department of clinical psychology at UCU, psychologist, positive psychotherapist, trainer on psychotherapy of WAPP, Ukrainian Institute of Positive Psychotherapy, Ukrainian Institute of Addiction Psychotherapy.

Mariia Didenko

Teacher of a course «Relationships»

Psychologist, facilitator, author of a podcast «Perefarbovanyi Lys (Repainted Fox)».

Anna Borodina

Teacher of a course «Relationships»

Child and family psychologist, trainer, and facilitator of support groups for parents and educators.



Thank you for this great and incredibly informative course. It helped me understand myself and others better, everything was great, easy and useful. I was able to improve my knowledge and understand how important I am for myself.



Poliakhova village, Khmelnytskyi oblast


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