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Vladyslav Hreziev, the co-founder of "Zminotvortsi," spoke to teenagers from small communities about leadership

On September 16, Vladyslav presented to participants of the UActive program for teenagers from small communities, organized by the savED charity fund. His topic was “Leadership: Are leaders born, or can these qualities be developed?”

Around 30 teenagers attended the event, where Vladyslav shared his advice and recommendations. Here are some key insights:

How to cultivate leadership in yourself?

Leadership manifests itself only through interaction with others. The better a person can interact with others, the more their leadership potential can be revealed.

Develop creativity

Creativity is not exclusive to leaders. Leaders may find themselves in situations where they need to find a solution, make decisive decisions, and take risks—creativity will always be helpful in these cases.

On responsibility

Leadership and decisiveness go hand in hand. When leading a group, a person must make decisions and take responsibility. Without these qualities, they may remain stuck and unable to progress toward success.


Confidence is closely related to leadership and decisiveness because leaders must believe in themselves. However, it’s important to distinguish between confidence and overconfidence, where people deceive themselves into thinking they have qualities they don’t possess.

True confidence comes from an accurate self-assessment.

Gaining diverse experiences with different people

Supporting others is a crucial task for a leader. The more varied your experiences with different people, the better you can understand how to “read” others, discern their feelings or thoughts, and how best to support them.

What does it mean to inspire?

Inspiring others comes from genuinely believing in what you are promoting. You can inspire others only when you are passionately convinced of your message. Inspiration is deeply connected to one’s beliefs.

On authoritarianism

A leader doesn’t have to make all the decisions alone. It’s better to work collectively, as every person brings value. The best decisions come from the collective input of everyone involved. 

The leader can act as a facilitator, helping to arbitrate among the group but ultimately taking responsibility for the final decision.

Team spirit

A strong, motivated team that voluntarily unites around a leader can only form if everyone feels valued and heard. People who think their opinions matter will engage in the collective task. Otherwise, they will feel excluded, and their motivation will gradually decline.

Are conflicts bad?

Conflicts can be beneficial if approached with respect. Often, disputes arise from misunderstandings, not fundamentally different views. The leader plays an essential role in mediating and bringing out other perspectives.

Can leadership be learned?

Leaders are not born. Certain leadership qualities may be instilled during childhood, and some people may have better communication skills, but these are just starting points. All these qualities can be trained and developed.

What does leadership practice look like?

Skills like interacting with others, listening, and communicating can only be honed through practice. The more experience you have interacting with people, the better you’ll understand them, which forms the foundation for leadership.

On motivation

A key aspect of maintaining motivation is treating all team members with respect. A good leader will notice when someone’s motivation falters, initiate a conversation, and find the right words to support and change things.

When people see their work producing results, that is often all they need. A leader can highlight these results or work to ensure they happen, inspiring everyone else.

Some people are motivated simply by being part of something bigger. For them, the result is secondary; the sense of involvement is a significant motivation.

For others, being in a comfortable, enjoyable environment with people they like is enough to keep them motivated.

Boundaries and dignity are essential

I insist you defend your dignity. If you feel someone is belittling or harming you, it’s important to respond as quickly as possible. 

Defend your boundaries, and don’t let anyone “walk over” you.